
Summer Camp registration for summer camps is now open! To register click the button below or email If you encounter any problems, please call 306-966-5539, leave a message, and someone will return your call.

Please note: SCI-FI Science Camps reserves the right to move any camper to another camp which better suits their age and ability. We also reserve the right to modify the content of any camp due to availability of materials and licensing. 


We offer a limited number of bursaries to low income campers (full and partial). To register for a bursary, click the button below to fill out our application form. Please fill out the bursary form before registering your child/children for our summer camps. Bursary recipents will be notified by email after June 15th. Please note only one bursary will be award for each child for each program (eg. summer camp)

Bursary applications for the 2025 Camp Season are now open. 



With more than 2 weeks notice, we will refund the cost of camp minus a $50 non-refundable deposit. With less than 2 weeks to camp, no refund will be given. To request a refund for a camp, please contact or call the registration office at 306-966-5539.